Ryodoraku Diagnosis

The basic idea of using the Ryodoraku diagnosis is to tune up or balance the Qi over the entire body.

The measurement value of the Ryodoraku Representative Measurement Points correlates with the average of the measurement values of all the Ryodoraku meridian points. If a representative point value is smaller when compared to other representative points’ values, it suggests that the amount of Qi in a particular Ryodoraku meridian is comparatively lesser than other Ryodoraku. Qi in the Ryodoraku meridian can be increased by using the principles of the “Mother and Child Law”. In other words, the activity of the sympathetic nervous system needs to be excited, that is, the vital energy including metabolism should be stimulated.

When a Ryodoraku meridian shows a larger value than the other Ryodoraku meridians, it suggests that a Ryodo point along with the Ryodoraku, may show very distinct low electric resistance. The distinct low impedance point is called a Reactive Ryodo Point. You can decrease Qi in the Ryodoraku meridian; however, it is much more effective to disperse or decrease Qi at the Reactive Points which demonstrate distinct low impedance.

Serial measurements of the meridians at each Ryodoraku diagnosis consultation allow an ongoing objective check of the patient’s progress or otherwise.

The hand Ryodoraku meridians have been designated as H1 to H6 and the foot Ryodoraku meridians as F1 to F6, making 12 meridians in all.

The meridian equivalents of the Ryodoraku are as follows:
H1 – Lung F1 – Spleen
H2 – Pericardium F2 – Liver
H3 – Heart F3 – Kidney
H4 – Small Intestine F4 – Urinary Bladder
H5 – Triplewarmer (San Jiao) F5 – Gall Bladder
H6 – Large Intestine F6 – Stomach

The traditional names for acupuncture meridians are used in our software. They are as follows:
Lu – Lung Sp – Spleen
Pc – Pericardium Lv – Liver
Ht – Heart Ki – Kidney
Si – Small Intestine Bl – Urinary Bladder
Th – Triplewarmer (Triple Heater) Gb – Gall Bladder
Li – Large Intestine St – Stomach

A point on each meridian is taken as a representative measurement point of the energy in that meridian.

The left and right sides of each meridian are measured separately and the amount of current in micro-amperes recorded on a specially designed Ryodoraku diagnosis assessment chart

The measurement points are situated around the narrowest part of the wrist (6 points, H1 to H6, Lu to Li) and on various parts of the foot (6 points, F1 to F6, Sp to St).

However, Ryodoraku diagnosis can be performed in a computerized manner, when measurement results are sent directly from the detecting probe to the device and software where they are analyzed and graphed.